Friday, July 28
I got nothin'..........

Then again, the trained rottweiler ("Damien") parading our grounds and the six-foot pet boa constrictor ("Judas") let loose in the house at night will take care of anyone with "ideas".
So, I figured since I blogged for months without giving out my link, I'd share one of my favorite old posts. This always makes me grin when I just think about it...the Southerners will really get it :).
Click HERE for more of Blogging Chicks'
"My Favorite Things" on this week's Carnival ride!
Read your old post - hilarious!!! I've never lived in the South - but did spend 4 months in Alabama once. I can hear your old teacher saying that. Too funny
Like you, I always stay up way too late when hubby's out of town and the bad guys are out. I'm thinking a nice "snake crossing" sign and a cd that plays hissing noises near the door would be a better way to go next time.
Btw, A Fish Called Wanda is a cult classic in my book. Some people so don't get me, so it's nice to know you're out there :-) (hint: I read your profile.)
My husband took the girls camping Friday and Saturday night and I was up to all hours of the night both nights (2:30) but last night I had no trouble sleeping once I went to bed because I was exhausted from writing my carnival entry. I usually can't sleep by myself, though I do have plenty of protection (hehe).
Heeheehee, loved the old post! Very funny :) I tried to picture any of my teachers using profanity like that and it got me laughing so hard I nearly spit out my drink (which, of course, does NOT have any brandy in it).
Looks like you have a wonderful site here! Yes, it appears we have a lot in common... right down to the template! Thanks for sharing your thoughts at Chrysalis... muchos gracias.
It's Sunday, so we're heading out of the house and away from the computer. I'll be back to comment some more later.
If it didn't make you better, you at least did not care.
My mom used to make us hot toddies with rum or whiskey, lemon, sugar and hot water. But then, she was a daaaammmm yankkkeeee!
There were worse things like castor oil. YEECCCHHHHH...
We were the survivors, I guess.
Julie, your comment reminded me of another movie "classic" I'd be willing to bet you like--"Ferris Bueller..." (tape recording of hissing sounds...).
Michele~are you "PACKING"???!
Christina, OH, how I LOVE to get caught off guard with a funny and spew whatever I'm drinking (and you'd been not be drinking anything "special" b/c of your precious cargo!)
Welcome, e-mom, you're the only newbie so far :), and you know my thoughts on your place!
And my dear CC, lol, you got that right on those daaaaaaaaaaaam yankkeeeeeeeees!! that cracked me up (but I'm not drinking anything right now, so no spewing from me). Get this, in order to "cure" a wicked tongue these days, I'm prescribing VINEGAR...guess who was the first person in my family to get it? Moi!! I said the "banned" words pretty much as soon as they were banned. Guess that's what the law does to ya, huh?
Here's to more than surviving!!
LOL I almost didn't have anything for the carnival either ;).
I stay up too late EVERY night! not good.
I didn't have anything for the carnvial this week--summer is getting in the way of blogging;)!
I remember a bottle of errrr... cough syrup that sat up high above the sink where no one could get to it without a step ladder. My mom told me that when my "granny" came from Missouri to visit she had a cough the whole time she was visiting. My mom was a nervous wreck by the time granny went home... because mom kept cathing her up on the step ladder. Oh yeah.. and she went home cured, and the bottle was emtpy.
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