Married to my college sweet-heart :)...three GREAT kids I'm not selling to the circus today...I LOVE to laugh (& smile often) to read & cook, hate to shop (unless the store is very small and doesn't leave me dazed and confused). I'm scared of flying so although I'd like to travel more, I don't.
I've been pleasantly surprised to find life in my 40s to be an amazing time of transformation & discovery--of self, others, creation and the Creator.
Here's a partial explanation for my Blog title. I think it'd be cool if they really existed.
A Pensieve is a stone basin.... [One] can extract his or her own memories and place them in the Pensieve, especially
to relieve the mind when it becomes too flooded with information. Anyone can examine the memories in the Pensieve, which also allows viewers to fully immerse themselves in the memories stored within...
A Pensieve first appears in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...
For the complete explanation, see
my 2/17/06 post.
My complete profile
Spinning provides a spider a web, spinning makes fabric for clothing, spinning on a wheel makes clay into pottery...spinning with purpose can produce a beautiful result...spin for His glory!
Robin, Have you ever taken spin class? It produces a lot more than you think. What is curves anyway! Isn't that for senior citizens? HAHA're baaaack :) Glad to cya! I wouldn't last 90 seconds in spin...unless I had a REALLY good instructor (can you explain to me WHY you need an instructor for peddling a bike real fast?). You'd better watch the sass, I AM your elder. Get this, I was "w o r k i n g o u t" with a 75-year-old friend (the term working out used VERY loosely). After using y'all's elliptical, I was tearing it up at the old ladies gym, takin' it to a new level.
And here, my friend, I am totally cracking up.
btw, chuck and shelly are my new bf b/c they post! nanny nanny boo boo to the rest of you (not including my kids)
You are TOO Funny. Tearing it up Huh? As far as a spin instructor goes, there's something to be said of group exercise. You feed off one another which makes it so much more fun. Then, in terms of spinning, you need an instructor to motivate/instruct you to push yourself in several different aspects of cycling. Climbing, which simulates going up hills, sprinting, etc. You can work out seated or standing or short counts of both. Doing all that alone would be tough not to mention that you'd look like a dork. Anyway, don't knock it to you try it young-un. (have you ever heard that one? that's from way down there in Alabama)
Hmmmm, one of two things--
a) Sign me up, I'm ready to roll!
b) I bet I know someone who spins solo ;)
where butt pads if you go spinning...can be painful! :)
oh yeah I feel like I'm on the merry go round for sure;)!
The hubby is a biker - and says a spinning class is worthwhile.
But I figure if I have to work that hard I want to get somewhere.
my head is spinning -- I appreciate the positive spin Shelly put on this back in April.
I'm going to go spin for Him.
Talk to ya'll later.
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