Thursday, December 28
Nothing odd about these...well, maybe...
More fun with Blogthings :)
Your New Year's Resolutions |
1) Get a pet pony 2) Eat more cheese 3) Travel to Holland 4) Study rare insects 5) Get in shape with dodgeball |
Don't many resolutions have to do with "getting, eating (or NOT eating), traveling, studying and more getting"? I'm just sayin :/.... I'm posting these pretend ones because I don't wanna be accountable I'm too shy to post my real ones ;).
Y e a s h y...THAT thought is enough reason to put a smile on MY face!
HT: Pamela
well at least YOURS didn't tease you about becoming a cannibal.
(Hey, come to think of it.. when I was young and hot... there were several times I was accused of being a man eater. ha ha ha ha ha)
I'm not posting any real resolves - but I do have a couple of them.
Me thinks you should add shotgun stance to the list...LOL What a fun thing to try out though! Us middle aged moms (I can't believe I just typed that) must do spontaneous new things from time to time!
Holly's Corner
New Years resolutions were totally made to be broken! Usually on January 2nd.
So, if you resolve to become a cannibal in 2007...
I have a goal for 2007: that it will be my first diaper free year since 1999! It's been a long, hard road...a road that needs to end.
As of today, December 28, 2006, I have been changing diapers for 2,708 CONSECUTIVE days!!!
I think I deserve a break....don't you?
Not to resolve, not to make promises to myself or anyone else. To take each thing as it comes and to deal with it however I see fit.
I'm supposed to get a pet rat apparently but personally I think I'll change that to "lose 15 pounds".
Merry Christmas Robin! A bit late...
Hope you guys had a great Christmas.
My resolutions were interesting:
1) Get a pet chinchilla
2) Eat more cotton candy
3) Travel to Alaska
4) Study forensics
5) Get in shape with street fighting
I'm going chinchilla shopping.
ha ha ha
apparently, I should get a frog & eat fewer brussel sprouts - top of the list
Hey, if you're up late tonight, do remember that He gives songs - Psalm 77:6, Job
I'm praying He'll give you a song.
My first resolution is to dig out of this snow 'storm' and make it home tomorrow. We are in "The Sex Change Capital of the World." Don't believe me? Look up Trinidad, CO, in Wikipedia. See #3.
Catrielrain, I doubt you'll be back, but I'm glad you stopped in...from Chile, no less! I tried to read your blog, but that bilingual thing got in the way;). I wish you much peace in the New Year.
Pamela, you might not be as young as you used to be, but I still thing you're H A W T :). I've been known to do my share of nibblin' humans, btw;).
Holly, I think "spontaneity" is a wonderful attribute!
Erin, Actually, resolutions, scmesolutions! I'm too much a realist to have any..........BUT........I am an optimist, so it's that whole pursuit of an holistic approach to life......(what'd she just say????)
Susan, not too long ago, in a galaxy not too far away, I was living the life you are with three munchkins, and I NEVER counted the number of consecutive days I changed diapers. I would've gone over the deep edge if I did. There IS an ending in sight, maybe 2007 will bring it all to an end! And then you'll miss it (no you won't, I just had to say it though).
Min, huh? Glad you stopped in, but huh?? :)
Jenny, I will hold your hand and walk you through it every step of the way (as I join you in THAT goal).
Marnie, I think you should buy two dozen chincillas....and show me what they look and feel like draped over your body.
LCO......hmmmmm, yours sound good to me! (Thanks for thinking of me while I hopefully was sleeping...if not, I hope I was singing;) ).
Swampy, I feel your pain.........! Glad you're home, safe and sound though:).
Well what can I say...Here are my results:
1) Get a pet frog 2) Eat less garlic
3) Travel to Brazil 4) Study communism
5) Get in shape with street fighting
My wish for 2007 I had typed in: "Getting closer to God and being a better wife to my husband"...LOL
Pet snake,cotton candy, holland, forensics and spinning.
That's just too weird.
C'mon! Post your real ones. Shyness is self-stuff in disguise.
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