Monday, December 18
Ripple effect
I've written several posts in the past about how our actions affect others, the power of influence, sometimes, when we don't even know it. Here's a quickie, that if it motivates one person to do something differently, I would be thrilled. If two people respond, well then, I'll turn a cartwheel. Three? I'll make something very chocolicious! AND SHARE :).

For her birthday, Karmyn asked her readers to extend a random act of kindness to others. Recently, Mary/Mert did something for me, in spite of the fact she's recovering from surgery and she's had sick babies:(. She designed a blinkie for me and Swampwitch for our recycling challenge, aka S.P.E.A.R. 2007. Lookie here:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Isn't it the dandiest? If you're taking part in our challenge, please feel free to pick it up to bling your sidebar with a little green :). (Email me if cutting and pasting doesn't work...). And for heaven's sake, whether or not you're "participating", Just do SOMETHING!! One thing is better than NOTHING, right? Baby steps, not giant leaps (for us recycling newbies). We're not trying to solve world's more like feeding your neighbor.

And your actions WILL affect others, maybe ever-so-slightly, but at least positively.

THANKS TO MERT for her generosity of time...SHE ROCKS!

  Into the pensieve on Monday, December 18, 2006
  Your thoughts, please (19)

At December 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROBIN! You are the greatest BlogTrashPartner I know. I will need help cutting and pasting because all I know how to use for those procedures are scissors and glue. Off on a road trip and blogging will be sparse. The Ripple Effect is powerful. I have pics to post with my efforts after the hollydays. There is a Christmas card at my place today.

At December 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. Thanks Mert! <:)

At December 18, 2006, Blogger LeftCoastOnlooker said...

Way to go you two! Enjoy the challenge!

At December 18, 2006, Blogger Mary said...

I was glad (and proud) to help. As I said in my post today, I guess it's time for me to stop being a hypocrite, and just do SOMETHING! :D

At December 18, 2006, Blogger Susan in va said...

I'll try to cut and paste this later today! Cool!!!

Here's the link for getting your own little "favicon" - you have to register first then you can upload whatever you want straight from your computer!

My Favatar

At December 18, 2006, Blogger Sally said...

I try to be kind every day. Does Saturday count when me and my Girl Scout troop visited a nursing home?

Or today, when in a typing/data entry test, I finished first but sat quietly while waiting for the other person to finish so I wouldn't distract her and botch up her time.

At December 18, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

SW, ditto :)
LCO, actually having fun looking for opportunities :).
Mert, Did Anna have p-neumonia? :( I hope not....
THANKS SUSAN! Let's see if my feet work :).
Sally, me, too, it CAN be a way of life, right? And sure, I think ANYTHING good and kind "counts". I think your last thing was very considerate....

At December 18, 2006, Blogger Susan in va said...

Cutting and pasting didn't work. The logo is on my site, but the link isn't working.

At December 18, 2006, Blogger Mary said...

Blogger is being a blooger! It timed out when I tried to respond... let's try this again!

Yup, Anna has pneumonia and stayed home from school again today. Emma had to go to the ER last night with her dad, and got back at 2 am for a bad upper respiratory infection. :(

At December 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool - I have to admit - I have been a 'tree-hugger' (our son's words - not mine) since I can remember. I have been recycling forever). I was thrilled when they finally had special barrels for the weekly pickup at our home...I think my 'tree-hugging' stems from Germany. We don't have much space for landfills, so recycling is huge...BTW - I don't use plastic in stores anymore either if all possible. I bring my own cotton-bags to the store. They are used to it by now *grin*

At December 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS - do you want me to link to the "Kermit" post with the button? Just let me know. I have the button downloaded...just need directions...

At December 18, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

Susan...I'm working on it...check back tomorrow or Wednesday :/.

OH, NO, Mert! :( I'm sooo sorry to hear that about Anna.....and Emma, too? Y'all are going through the ringer these days. I hope you and John stay healthy so you can take care of them (and that they're on the mend by this weekend). Hugs and prayers headed in your direction sweets.

Iris, N I C E, on all counts. I smile at the thought of being a "tree hugger", I'd consider it a compliment. EXCEPT I will never, EVER give up toilet paper or hardback books ;). It was funny to me that several recycle-enthusiasts have tsked tsked me for the suggestions on what to do with Target (plastic) bags. Hardcore! I'll let you know about the link, gonna transfer where it's being hosted tomorrow or Wednesday, so I'll letcha know.

At December 18, 2006, Blogger Pamela said...

those plastic bags are great when you plant in early spring - and need to cover some of your fragile stuff in case of frost.

I was a tree hugger as a kid. In another way, tho. We used to pretend they were handsome knights in shining armor and we would kiss them and wrap our arms around them.. hee hee

At December 19, 2006, Blogger Mike Y said...


Baby steps are right. I just started recycling cardboard right after confessing on your blog about my lack of interest in recycling. So... now I'm up to cardboard and cans. :)

I'm done now, LOL!

At December 19, 2006, Blogger Heather said...

Actually, our city has an amazing recycle program. All paper products and plastic and cans in one bin. They make it easy for us.

At December 19, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

Cute're slap full of cute :).

Mike, LOVELOVELOVE HEARING THAT! HOW COOL IS THAT? Thanks for letting me know......YOU ROCK!

Heather, I envy that, lol. Is that not hilarious? The kind of thing I covet is roadside recycling made easy. Ha! My age is showing ;).

At December 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


(random Christmas caroler arrives)

"Leeet theeerre be peeeaace on eeeaaarth,
And let it beee-giiiin with meeeee.
Leeeet theeeerrre be peeeaaace on eeaarth,
The peace that was meeeaaant to beeeeeeeeeeeee!

With Goooood aaaaaas our Fa-theeeeer,
Broooo-thers aaalllll are weeeeeeee,
Leeeet me walk with my bro-theeeeer,
In peeeer-fect haaaar-mo-nyyyyyyyy.

Leeeet peeeaaace be-giiiiin with meeee,
Let this be the moooo-ment noooowwww.
Wiiiith eeev-ry steeeep I taaaaaake,
Let this be my soooll-emn voooowwww,

To taaaaake each mo-ment and liiiiive each mo-ment
in peeeaace, e-teeern-al-lyyyyyyyyy.
Let there be Peeeaaaace on eeaaarth,
And let it be-giiiiiin with meeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!

At December 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello I came via e-moms :)

Here in the sticks in my bit of Lancashire England we have to recycle all paper, plastic, cardboard, cans, glass and garden waste otherwise we can be fined, I think it's £50 and then more the next time if we still don't do it. They only collect the bins every two weeks alternating one week normal trash the next week recycling and garden waste.

Goodness knows what our cardboard bag will be like after Christmas with our two kiddos.

I enjoyed visiting, thanks. :)

At December 19, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

Stephanie, has anyone told you how STINKIN' CUTE you are today??!

Sarah, WELCOME :) And it's interesting that it's mandatory where you are. My husband has always said if "we" (our local government) was serious about recycling, they'd make it easier for us....I think being fined provides a "nice" incentive...!


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Married to my college sweet-heart :)...three GREAT kids I'm not selling to the circus today...I LOVE to laugh (& smile often) to read & cook, hate to shop (unless the store is very small and doesn't leave me dazed and confused). I'm scared of flying so although I'd like to travel more, I don't.

I've been pleasantly surprised to find life in my 40s to be an amazing time of transformation & discovery--of self, others, creation and the Creator.

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A Pensieve first appears in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...

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