Wednesday, June 14
Home Invasion
Okay, so some of you are smart enough to consider that when there's "one"...there might be two...or maybe even an entire freakin' family.

We were headed out today, so after slathering the trap in peanut butter and resetting it, we left it in the rodent's favorite drawer. I was hoping this was nothing more than an exercise in futility.

Ick ick ick! WRONG!! We went fishing and caught a MONSTER, well, in comparison to Maurice (may he rest in peace). Maxwell (as the kids were so quick to determine his name) doesn't even fit in the trap. I couldn't bring myself to take it out of the drawer just in case he wasn't quite, shall we say, "done in" yet. If he started wiggling, that mini-beast woulda been airborne and flung across the room...and THAT would not have been pretty!

I'm not squeamish about creatures in captivity, in boxes or cages, or even in their natural habitats. I've held snakes and turtles and hermit crabs and squirrels and lizards and iguanas and hamsters and even a tarantula...something comes to mind about a Madagascar hissing cockroach I touched at my children's school, too.

But I absolutely draw the line at a rat making a toilet out of my kitchen!

Sooooo...the gauntlet has been thrown down. As soon as I'm certain Maxwell has throughly departed this life, we're going for the hat trick.

  Into the pensieve on Wednesday, June 14, 2006
  Your thoughts, please (6)

At June 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow.........I'm duly really can blog about...well...anything!

ps.......knew i wanted to use the word "duly", but looked it up just to make sure. Luv ya Dance!

At June 17, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

Hey E-bay, Missin' you more than you can imagine. I've blogged on this b/c it requires no thought, just my over-the-top response to this pest infestation. Get this...we've killed 3 (Maurice, his wife Mabel and brother Maxwell; we've caught & released Marissa and Melissa...freakin' invasion is saying the least!). Tad told me to stop blogging on the, said peeps will think I'm WEIRD.

Thinkin' deep thoughts...just not sharing them these days....

lovelovelove you lots

At June 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think you're weird, not about that anyway! I had the same experience. We ended up catching what seemed to be a colony. Anyway, we either eventually got them all or they finally figured out......."if you go in that hole, you don't come home!"

Miss u too!

At June 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had pet rats for 2 years, so when I little mouse found its way into the house a few weeks ago-I wasn't nearly as afraid of it as I would have been before my rats. I can't set traps-I end up breaking them, and the "humane" traps NEVER work, (tried this in the apartment I lived in), and the only other way of course is-Decon. I saw what this does yet I had to set it out. The little booger this time was completely ignoring the poison and finding bits of food, even though I vacuumed the carpet, from the rat's corner-one night I saw him out of the corner of my eye, sitting there pretty as you please-eating. I watch him scurry to the couch and up a cushion. So, I get a paper towel, 2 plastic bags, walk over and pick him up. He didn't even try to run-I let him loose outside and haven't seen him since. I'm guessing the neighbor's cat got him since he was a tiny thing, but I now know I'm not afraid of critters. Well, except snakes and huge spiders. By the way, thanks for stopping by my blog :D

At October 12, 2006, Blogger Malissa said...

eww eww eww;)
You must have a nice kitchen for them to keep coming back;)

At October 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rofl this is the mos hilarious set of posts today! (ok, in June)
i needed the laugh


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Married to my college sweet-heart :)...three GREAT kids I'm not selling to the circus today...I LOVE to laugh (& smile often) to read & cook, hate to shop (unless the store is very small and doesn't leave me dazed and confused). I'm scared of flying so although I'd like to travel more, I don't.

I've been pleasantly surprised to find life in my 40s to be an amazing time of transformation & discovery--of self, others, creation and the Creator.

Here's a partial explanation for my Blog title. I think it'd be cool if they really existed.

A Pensieve is a stone basin.... [One] can extract his or her own memories and place them in the Pensieve, especially to relieve the mind when it becomes too flooded with information. Anyone can examine the memories in the Pensieve, which also allows viewers to fully immerse themselves in the memories stored within...

A Pensieve first appears in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...

For the complete explanation, see
my 2/17/06 post.

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