Married to my college sweet-heart :)...three GREAT kids I'm not selling to the circus today...I LOVE to laugh (& smile often) to read & cook, hate to shop (unless the store is very small and doesn't leave me dazed and confused). I'm scared of flying so although I'd like to travel more, I don't.
I've been pleasantly surprised to find life in my 40s to be an amazing time of transformation & discovery--of self, others, creation and the Creator.
Here's a partial explanation for my Blog title. I think it'd be cool if they really existed.
A Pensieve is a stone basin.... [One] can extract his or her own memories and place them in the Pensieve, especially
to relieve the mind when it becomes too flooded with information. Anyone can examine the memories in the Pensieve, which also allows viewers to fully immerse themselves in the memories stored within...
A Pensieve first appears in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...
For the complete explanation, see
my 2/17/06 post.
My complete profile
You are taking some "Ice-skating, Flamenco Dancing, and Archery lessons at some New-Age Coffee Barista Camp for Grown-Ups"????
You're at Target and said you were hungry and a Target lady brought you a hot dog.
I am LOVING your new design! It's fabuloso. I love the large size of the banner.
And, I've been meaning to ask you...are those really your feet/toes?
You are in Spain.
Little known fact...Carmen SanDiego is actually Carmen Mirandas cousin..she hit the road and travelled through Cuba, then to Panama...she bought a hat there that became the rage wherever she went. She soon had to start disguising herself with rather large sunglasses as she continued through Venezuela and Columbia. Eventually, she ended up in a little bar near Tijuana and started swimming with the dolphins (not wearing the hat mind you.) This too became a hit. Before long she was mobbed and had to run for the border!
dont just came and I went with it...
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