Wednesday, November 22
Diet Motivation...
...just in time for a huge Thanksgiving spread.

Said to me today when my brother-in-law saw me after several weeks (months?):

"Hey Robin, you look great! Have you gained wait? You look like you've gained weight."

Smack, smack! Please note, I did NOT ask the question, "Do I look fat in these pants?" This was simply his backhanded-compliment-kind-of greeting.

Like THIS is what you wanna hear when you're getting ready to chow down on some of your favorite calorie-riddled eats. Geezaree, the truth h u r t s. >:( Five pounds...more?? Evidently enough to notice within a nanosecond of seeing me.

I suppose I should thank I'll have all the motivation necessary to exercise a little lotta will power.

(Don't tell him, but I'm lacing his dessert with Ex-lax (wicked, maniacle laugh)...and hiding all the toilet paper....I don't get mad, I get even ;) ).

  Into the pensieve on Wednesday, November 22, 2006
  Your thoughts, please (10)

At November 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my - yeah, something you don't want to hear before Thanksgiving :)... The Ex-Lax is not a bad idea at all...

At November 22, 2006, Blogger Claudia said...

Oh no he didn't!!! Does he not know any better? Or was he just trying to get a rise out of you??? AcK!

At November 22, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a bit on the slender side, which means that any weight gain will be noticeable. Unlike me, where you need double digit changes before it is apparent.

Maybe he meant it as a compliment, nah.

At November 22, 2006, Blogger LeftCoastOnlooker said...

How rude! How unkind, spiteful, ungallant, acrimonious, splenetic, & nasty! Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to judge ;)

Hey Malissa, did I spell them all write? (that was not spiteful, I'm just teazzzzzzzing u)

At November 22, 2006, Blogger Susannah said...

Forget your diet tomorrow and enjoy. (I've been eating sparingly today.)

Sorry about your template problems-- frustrating. (Yes it's time for me to get a new look too... but likely not till after the holidays.) Congratulations on your 300th post! Woohoo!!!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving, and enjoy your new cookware while you're at it. (Can you tell eating is on my brain... check out my comment two posts down!)

Cyber hugs, e-Mom :~)

At November 23, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

He insists it's a compliment, but "us girls" could do without that kind, eh? For the record, I love my b-i-l, he's not a jerk, and he also complimented the jambalaya we had for dinner by going back for seconds...twice ;).

LCO, I absolutely, positively love the word splenetic...are you having some kind of contest you didn't tell us about?

E-mom, I have thoroughly enjoyed my flaming Flame Le Cruset multiple times since its purchase :). Used it tonight, as a matter of fact. I tell ya, the food LOOKS more appetizing simmering away in it. Cyber hugs back atcha :).

At November 23, 2006, Blogger Karmyn R said...


I put on my khaki pants yesterday and they were too tight in the butt (major panty lines). And now I have to worry about eating more? sigh -

At least no one has told me I look like I've gained weight back.

Never ending.

At November 23, 2006, Blogger Pamela said...

if my brother in law did that to me... I'd sit on him until he guessed my weight.

And if he guessed it... I'd have to kill him.

At November 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is an evil, evil man, your brother.

You're gorgeous, darling.

And you're also it - I've tagged you.

PS - you've got the wrong "wait" there - should be "weight". I do that all the time and wich somebody would tell me, so I'm telling you;)

At November 24, 2006, Blogger Mary said...

Or you could've had one of your kids "accidentally" head butt him in the whosits. Desperate times, right?

You have the right idea about using your po'd-ness to fuel your exercise want. Go for it!

Me, I would need 10 brother -in- laws... One equals roughly five lbs, so 5x10... thats about right. :O)


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