Tuesday, October 3
Seriously, do I LOOK like Lucy???

Just me. But, I swear to goodness, sometimes I think I channel her. At least twice last week.
1) Nice, sunny weather til I got to the kids' school for my weekly volunteer gig in Stephen's classroom. This requires stopping by the school office to pick up what I need, to do what I'm there to do. Picture a covered entrance, wide enough for two lanes of traffic. I pull up, both lanes are blocked. Normally this would be fine, but as I pull into the parking lot, the bottom of the sky falls out (and up until 10 minutes ago, there was no bottom of the sky in sight). I'm not talking sprinkles or drizzle or any "nice" rain derivative, I'm talking cats & dogs along the size of a bengal tiger and mastiff. Big, honking, FULL raindrops of Biblical proportion, sealing me in my car and blinding my sight beyond the windshield. The stuff flash floods are made of.
I don't believe in umbrellas, not for "running in and out", just a waste of time and energy as far as I'm concerned (ahem.......I'm not made of sugar, contrary to how much I add to coffee-- apparently I don't melt). So, big deal, I make a run for it, right?
We know what happens when I ask rhetorical questions. I'm screwed.
I pop outta the car, guns blazing. Keep in mind I've parked in front of the cars blocking the covered entrance (by cutting through empty parking places in front of the office--this, so I can drive over to the next building where Stephen's class is without being blocked in). This means the people SITTING IN THE PARKED CARS BLOCKING THE ENTRANCE can see every step I make (I'm not bitter).
Three steps into my run, I realize one of my shoes--a thong--is two steps behind me. I notice this after I'm under the safety of the awning. I'm wet, so I figure, what the heck, and run out to retrieve it...but then, dang it, the other shoe falls off. Totally humilated because I have an audience, I grab both shoes in my right hand, slip in the office barefoot pretending "if I can't see you, you can't see me" (head down, make NO eye contact, it works for kids), grab my papers and slink and slosh back to my car.
OF COURSE there are no close parking spots near the door of the next building, so totally giving into the deluge, I hold the stack of papers closely to my body in one hand, my shoes in the other, and splash through the three inches of puddle adjacent to my parking spot. When I walked into Stephen's class, they were in awe. I must've looked like something the cat drug in, after she had chewed on it awhile. I'm not kidding, the kids circled around me and wanted to touch me, like I now possessed some kind of magical powers or something (I possessed something at the moment, alright...). Mrs. L just shook her head, felt my pain, and hoped I hadn't ruined any of her stuff.
After completing my "job", in my khaki capris--wet and three shades darker than they should've been--I walked outside to read in my car while I waited on the other two to get out of class. It was sunny. I was still wet. With mascara smudged and looking rather goth now, I was very thankful I hadn't worn dark underwear or a white tee...
2) This one's shorter, but still very Lucy-esque: I like whipped cream, and although I believe hand-beaten heavy cream with a pinch of sugar is a dessert in and of itself, most of the time we just keep Cool-Whip or Redi-Whip around for when there's a need for either (for brownies or sundaes or chocolate pound cake or pecan pie....!) (Mmmm...).
It was waaaayyy past time to clean out the fridge on Sunday. Multiple science experiments going on, I took no pictures to post because
Uh, oh, another rhetorical question.
I shook it up, tilted my head back (no one else was around), aimed the nozzle above my mouth (don't wanna contaminate with my germs, heaven forbid) and squirted.
Contents under pressure. But no longer "fresh". Freakin' whip cream oozy goo splurted out, spraying all over my f

OOOOOH! Disgusting! (*gag*) Nasty! (*sputter*). The only thing worse than expired dairy is...(*deep breath*)(*exhale*)...SNOT.(*dry heave*)
I made reference to Lucy in my blog today too!
I have done the whipped cream slap in the face before.
Funny blog today. Great pictures
I LOVE LUCY!!!! Don't have time to read your post just yet, but wanted to say - sure you can take stuff off my site and use it. I guess you meant you were taking the Stray photos/post? Glad you liked it!
Oh and Vicki - what is that avatar? I am scared to enlarge it. :) But I will!
Oh man - I was with you the whole way. Hilarious post. Seriously!
Ju got some splainin to do!!
Are those pictures of you? That's not at all how I pictured you (no I'm not going to elaborate).
Julie, I've seen a big picture of that avatar, it's awful.
Love rain storms, hate sour milk.
Love the glasses, too. Dare you to wear those when you dash in next time.
Okay - a Southern raindown pour is just that (I experienced some in Alabama - where you opened up a door and within 5 seconds looked like someone had dumped a whole bucket of water on you).
And expired Dairy - um, NO - I don't do that.
Love the glasses. (AND Hey - I was looking through your archives and you posted a pic once of you with 2 other ladies. So - now I know which one was really you! WooHoo!)
How goes the Oregon report?
Hey Karmyn, that was back in May when Erin came for a visit :), I don't think anyone asked me back then if I had the long or short hair, more than likely, b/c no one was reading me then (lol) (gosh, I'm ready for another bff visit :/)! LOVE your new profile pic! I TRIED to take a pic of Stephen with his "report", but the digital was jammed...stay tuned, it's coming :).
Pamela, nice to meet you!!! You look all flush, like after one of those Viagra commercials ;).
WT, huh? I don't use words like this "here", but wth are you talking about???! YOU splain!
PTT, I knew you'd giggle :).
Vicki, I'm loving checking in on you, when I have time, I'll flesh out my thoughts....
Julie, you should've seen by now what I was doing with it :).
Susan, I am sooo right there with you! ick ick ick!!!
Ok, now don't go all postal on me, but I'll splain. Who knows why or how we come up with mental images to go with people's writing.
But in my case I assigned you an image of a larger person (not 'larger' as in a euphamism for fat, just larger than your picture), with kinda biggist black hair (think Delta Bourke before she got huge).
something like this
Hey I don't know where it came from, it just did.
Ha! Peter, you made me smile...B I G! I used to love Designing Women and, although Delta Burke's character was NOTHING like me, she was loveable! Guess you were goin' for stereotypical southern belle (ha! again) because of all my "y'alls". :D snortin' on the "biggish black hair", too. Yeah, in the 80s, I had BIG hair, but it's never been black.
lolol...I'm thinkin' me as a big ol' Delta Burke or Kirstie Alley "healthy" woooooo-man (more snorts from the TN valley) ;).
Thanks for the grins from down under.
Wait a second........did you say somethin' about me going freakin' POSTAL??! I've gotchure postal...
BTW y'all, this was at the skating rink right before school started...one of the kids' friends asked me to "watch" their sunglasses for 'em, he he...this is my version of "watching the merchandise" :).
Yup... Lucy you are!!! I say that endearingly, because we love to watch old "I Love Lucy" re-runs. (A Sat nite fav.) Nothing like a great laugh to warm the soul! My Mom (now deceased) was a lot like Lucy too...AND she had the coiffed red hair, (yes) pearls, and the wardrobe to boot. She was also a model and an actress (did I mention?) Is Tad anything like Ricki? Love these green glasses... darlin' you were born to the stage!
LOL...the rain!! Once I made a run for it and ended up in a huge puddle that got me more wet than the rain!! and yes..people were looking and I thought I saw a grin or two..grr...
I have to agree with Willow...the mental images..I also saw you as a brunette...dunno why!! but I love the glasses! How fun!
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