Sunday, December 10
A Barrel of Laughs
The Blogging Chicks Carnival is being hosted this week by Rebecca at Of Making Many Books. The theme is Holiday Laughter/Laughter in General. I chose the latter because I didn't have to write anything new, and re-reading this post cracks me up every time.

My daughter told me there WAS much "lost in translation" :/. Maybe if you read it out loud, it'll be funnier. Either way, check out the other's something fun to do on a Sunday afternoon :).

  Into the pensieve on Sunday, December 10, 2006
  Your thoughts, please (4)

At December 10, 2006, Blogger michele said...

Thanks for voting for us! We need every vote we can get.

At December 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cracked me up!

I needed that.

At December 11, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Robin...thanks for commenting over to my place. You are too kind. I am really sorry about being such an *ss with my thoughtless comments.
I may have commented here in the past, if you were doing the Photo Safari Hunt on Saturdays. I see you comment all the time too, on places I visit.
Interesting name to your blog...I read the description on your side bar.
Hope you take up recycling soon.

Thanks again,

At December 11, 2006, Blogger Susan in va said...

Nope. Nothing lost in translation. I was in tears the first time I read it, and I giggled again.

I'm glad that I went back and read the comment I left on that post. I almost told the same story again! Sheesh.


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Married to my college sweet-heart :)...three GREAT kids I'm not selling to the circus today...I LOVE to laugh (& smile often) to read & cook, hate to shop (unless the store is very small and doesn't leave me dazed and confused). I'm scared of flying so although I'd like to travel more, I don't.

I've been pleasantly surprised to find life in my 40s to be an amazing time of transformation & discovery--of self, others, creation and the Creator.

Here's a partial explanation for my Blog title. I think it'd be cool if they really existed.

A Pensieve is a stone basin.... [One] can extract his or her own memories and place them in the Pensieve, especially to relieve the mind when it becomes too flooded with information. Anyone can examine the memories in the Pensieve, which also allows viewers to fully immerse themselves in the memories stored within...

A Pensieve first appears in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire...

For the complete explanation, see
my 2/17/06 post.

My complete profile

It was SUPPOSED to be a SLEEPOVER...
I'm a thief...
Tagged--Six Weird Things About Me
"Do I look fat in these..."
Time Flies at the Speed of a Bell X-1
Wrong Wrong Wrong
Blind Date
What a difference a few weeks makes

A Perfect Post

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