Wednesday, November 29
What a difference a few weeks makes
The fall colors were SPECTACULAR this year! There must've been the perfect combination of sun and rain, at just the right times, to produce such an inspiring show. Even Stephen noticed...on the way to school one day, unprompted by his waxing-poetic-mother, he said, "I like the Fall. It's so colorful." Thankful the kid notices the important stuff.

Here's a few shots of the Tennessee Valley, when I happened to have a camera nearby. Now, looking out my window, I just see a bunch of naked trees. I think a few of them are shivering in their roots.

  Into the pensieve on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
  Your thoughts, please (16)

At November 29, 2006, Blogger Susan in va said...

I was just in Tennessee on Friday visiting my Grandma. It was beautiful!

At November 29, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

This post is fouled up in Firefox, but looks normal in IE...what do I need to do to fix it?

Susan, are you willing to tell me where?

At November 29, 2006, Blogger Kila said...

I miss those colors. It's just naked trees and gray skies here. Nice to see the blue sky in your photos.

At November 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The colors looked amazing there. I went up to Vermont this year and saw NOTHING. The foliage was just no good this year.

At November 29, 2006, Blogger Claudia said...

That is almost makes me miss living somewhere cold...almost.

At November 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww pretty pictures...

Don't even try to fix it, there's no point, another two posts and it will be off the screen anyway.

At November 29, 2006, Blogger LeftCoastOnlooker said...

oh, how gorgeous - this is what you get to see? I am utterly jealous & pea-green with envy.
I miss fall.
Before I left the seasons, I picked my bro up @ the airport & he began sniffing deeply then said, "I could just get high off the smell of fall." Now, I know what he meant. Thanks for plunging me into chasms melancholy. Oh, I mean thanks for sharing the pics ;)

At November 29, 2006, Blogger Karmyn R said...

WOW - that is awesome. My leaves are all gone to the ground, to the compost heap, to the yard debris bin. Until next year (I don't miss raking them up!)

At November 29, 2006, Blogger Pamela said...

grand colors.

Ours stayed lovely for the longest time, and then it turned 17 degrees one night.
The leaf "fall" came fast and furious then.

Now our trees are all bare, too.
I wonder where the birds hide.

At November 29, 2006, Blogger Mike Y said...

It was pretty decent here the other day and today... I just finished helping the tow guy pull my truck off the side of the hill to our house. I'm not used to getting so much snow in a day.

It is pretty neat to watch the colors change. But no leaves at all has always been depressing for me.

At November 30, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

Kila, I tell ya, there were some of the most amazing skies this fall I've ever seen, bluest of the blue, early morning purples and pinks, even cloudy days had their moments...every morning on the way to school, we couldn't help but have a spiritual moment. Not kidding. Amazing. Makes me muse that God fancies Himself an artist...!;)

Rhea, first...WELCOME! Second, did you go for a fall foliage tour? If so....BUMMER! I wondered if they were like this "everywhere"...the Southeast performed one of the most beautiful shows on record (or at least as far as my memory goes back, lol)(which if you've read my Apollo 13 post, you know isn't very far). :D

Claudia, Four seasons, I wouldn't trade it. Unless I lived on a beach in a wonderful little bungalow with mid-80 degree temps all the time and a gentle breeze blowing...or unless there was some snow involved (instead of double-digit flakes, which does NOT count as "snow"...hmmmph!).

Is WT mocking my picture taking prowess? Or was that sincere?

LCO, there IS a definite scent to Fall, isn't there? Especially in the morning! Love it! (And if they would've lasted, I would've mailed you a box of leaves ;) ).

Karmyn, we have raked and blown and raked and blown and they're still coming down. Maybe I should take a picture from our front yard. Wait...I DID! Don't think I've downloaded it yet, but when I do, I'll post it. Yesterday afternoon, it was "raining" leaves (which is cool, until you realize more raking is involved). I decided to count this as aerobic activity.

Geez, Pamela, 17 degrees already??? Well, evidently, the birds fly to Karmyn's. At least the HUMMINGBIRDS!!

Mike, are you still wearing shorts? In the snow??? Our drive to school isn't nearly as pretty as it was...we noticed the stick figures on the side of the road just today (instead of the majestically dressed flora of just a week or two ago). Time-lapsed photography would be pretty cool.

No comments on my "majestically dressed flora" phrase...I'm thinking this post is old enough, no one's really checking back :D.

At November 30, 2006, Blogger Claudia said...

Robin, yes, I'm all for the little bungalow on the beach!! sigh...

At November 30, 2006, Blogger Kelly said...

I'm a Tennessee girl and LOVE autumn! Great pictures.

At November 30, 2006, Blogger Mike Y said...

I still wear shorts every day. I can usually get by wearing them during the day time, but not once the sun goes down. I'm speaking about the wearing of them outside. The snow really does put a damper on this, however. I can walk in the presence of snow fine. But when it's coming down pretty hard, forget it. I need more clothes and I need shoes and all that.

At November 30, 2006, Blogger Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Just beautiful pictures! You must be having the same weather we are having. I took a picture of a tree in my backyard and posted it, the colors were looking really good. Now the wind is kicking up and some rain is moving through and I think that same tree is about half-naked. Good thing I shot the photo when I did! Fall doesn't last long around here. We've been in shorts this week, but it's supposed to cool off a lot by tomorrow.

Great site, by the way! My first visit, came here via the blog post at about your lunch. Hope you guys had a great time! :)

At December 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those are awesome trees - I LOVE the red one. How cool. Thank you for sharing those images of your back-yard.


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