Saturday, November 25
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun....
We're at it again... playing in the hat department, this time not fancy ones, just $9 faux-fur toques (& scarves) at Target. This is our reward for shopping, because shopping to me and Rachel is torture. A necessary evil. Because she's 14 and had the audacity to grow three inches since this time last year....and when she says she needs some new clothes, "need" is the correct word, we aren't talking "want" here.
Apparently, even in fall and approaching winter, designers and retailers believe that young teens want to dress like MTV video hoes...I cannot BELIEVE the plethora of lace and satin camis for girls her age. They wouldn't be so doggone pretty if they weren't intended to be SEEN. The other aggrevation is skin-tight sweaters. I'm thinking body paint would be much more comfortable and would provide about as much warmth. One of the things I am MOST thankful for this season is that my daughter has a brain in her head and exercises good judgment 99% of the time. She'll have no part of any of it. Sometimes I w i s h she was a bit more diverse and engaged when it came to fashion, but her modesty will keep her out of trouble and serve her well.
Today ended up being fun--we actually found some cute clothes, enjoyed each other's company, and treated ourselves to Clumpies ice cream (a big YUM in these parts!) :). The funny thing is we didn't exactly plan our six hours of shoppi
ng......after going to a morning matinee to see a friend acting in a community theater production, we simply kept going....and going....and going! We managed to avoid the post-Thanksgiving insanity, I guess the venues we chose weren't the "hot spots" (certainly no electronics were involved).
Maybe one of these days I'll actually BUY one of the hats we try on...:).
Apparently, even in fall and approaching winter, designers and retailers believe that young teens want to dress like MTV video hoes...I cannot BELIEVE the plethora of lace and satin camis for girls her age. They wouldn't be so doggone pretty if they weren't intended to be SEEN. The other aggrevation is skin-tight sweaters. I'm thinking body paint would be much more comfortable and would provide about as much warmth. One of the things I am MOST thankful for this season is that my daughter has a brain in her head and exercises good judgment 99% of the time. She'll have no part of any of it. Sometimes I w i s h she was a bit more diverse and engaged when it came to fashion, but her modesty will keep her out of trouble and serve her well.
Today ended up being fun--we actually found some cute clothes, enjoyed each other's company, and treated ourselves to Clumpies ice cream (a big YUM in these parts!) :). The funny thing is we didn't exactly plan our six hours of shoppi

Maybe one of these days I'll actually BUY one of the hats we try on...:).
energizer bunnies?
I'm not big on shopping, but it does sound fun to spend time with a daughter.
(PS. I am having big difficulties with my blog now. Everyone else was having worse problems... and now it is me. Mine will hardly load. )
6 Hours of shopping! WOW!!!
My SIL picked up my husband at 4:30am and they went to Circuit City - spent 1 hour in line. He didn't get what he had intended because when they got there the thumbdrives were already sold out...but he did get a cheap extra hard drive for us.
I told him he was NUTS to go. He agreed.
Looks like you had tons o' fun.
Very cool.
You really will need to get one of those hats sometime, you know...
In Wisconsin they'd even have a purpose;)
Did you say you went shopping at the mall, or you were working at the mall? You look like you are working at one of those Pixie Photo places keeping the kids quiet while they wait for Santa.
Pamela, I couldn't get your blog to load at all last night.
shopping expeditions can be so much fun...especially when you try on things you'd normally not the fuzzy hats...and then of course, you must vogue for the camera!
hey, you're back! I haven't been able to access your blog for the past day...but your pretty design is back so I suppose it was worth it.
I am with you on the clothes issue. It's becoming harder and harder to find modest clothes for young girls. The whole sweater thing drives me insane, especially the short trend. I will not pay for a sweater that has normal sleeves but only comes to her mid section. It's ridiculous! The problem is that there are still people out there that are buying this crap, otherwise they wouldn't keep making it. The whole toddler/half shirt/hoochie mama thing makes me want to go postal.
Sounds like you guys had a great time despite all of that, 6 hours? Phew! Great pic , BTW!
Love the pic!! I don't have anyone to shop with me that would take photos like that. Shoot. First of all, I don't like shopping and am so glad there are other women out there that feel the same way. I go when I need to, but that is about it.
Sounds like you guys had a great day!
So I was out of the loop for almost a week, and I'm so glad to see your fun page back! Wshoo!
Shopping is torture to me, too. Unless, of course, it's a bookstore.
I was just in Target today and saw some cute camis (knit with lace) in the girls section and almost bought some for my 8-year-old daughter but not to wear alone, definitely to wear under blouses and sweaters for cute factor as well as extra layer of warmth.
Your daughter is sweet looking!
I was once in the hat section of a fancy dept. store, probably Marshall Fields and the only other person there was an elegant older woman. After she moved away from a section of hats, I walked over and right smack into an invisible cloud of fart. She'd apparently cut one and quickly fled, leaving it behind for another innocent customer (me) to walk into! Even rich elegant older women cut SBDs!
simply marvelous!
They're the latest rage in Moscow ;)
Pamela, yeah, my blog disappeared for a day or so, which was okay given the fact I wasn't able to read or write much of anything, but it's still freaky. It was still showing up on Blogger's dashboard, just not when you tried to load the page. I'll be moving, it's just a pain to figure out where.
Karmyn, my hubby went, too! WHICH IS NOTNOTNOT TYPICAL! He went w/my b-i-l to get some high dollar golf clubs (and they had success). My boys went, too, and all of 'em were amazed by the "crazies" in line before the stores opened (Best Buy, in particular). Since they weren't loading up on electronics, I guess they stood a better chance of getting what they wanted.
Kelly, I'd be totally obnoxious if I had hats to most definitely wouldn't be subtle (but you already knew that, huh?). And yeah, given the fact we both HATE clothes shopping, it WAS fun!
Willowtree, are you calling me a PIXIE??? I've been called a lot of things, never Tinkerbell...;).
Claudia, I MUST strike a pose at times like this! And yeah, my blog went AWOL, I think I was being punished for trash-talkin' Blogger :/.
Mert, I hear ya...a GOOD reason to go postal (who are the INSANE people/parents who keep buying this stuff for their daughter? I don't blame the retailers, they're just giving "us" what "we" want :( ). We didn't actually shop the WHOLE time...I mean, we DID have ice cream and have to drive places, but yeah, we went hard and long!
Julie, come to TN, and we'll go and hate it together and try on hats and take pictures. I promise, it will be fun (we can try on fur coats and ball gowns, two things I have no use for and will never wear or own).
Ooooo, and Heather, we can go to the bookstore (take your pick), and not say a word, but drink coffee, read, and talk in the car when we leave :). You can use vocabulary words I don't know and it'll be a learning experience;).
Sally--LAUGHING!OUT!LOUD! I can see (and smell) your "scene" now (wish I couldn't). My daughter is a sweetie--a young friend of hers told her mom, "Sweet didn't know what it was til it met Rachel." Talk about a mommy paycheck to hear that kind of thing from another KID!
LCO, well, I'll know where to get one CHEAP when we get our tickets ;).
My daughter is 12 and I know what you mean about the clothes. My daughter is modest and very picky about being "covered up". I am soooooooooo glad. I hope this does not change as she gets older.
I know I'm late.. I took a blog vacation.
...your daughter could be your Mini Me...
That sounds so much fun. Enjoy the time you two girls can have. Who knows where she will move when she will be married one day. Just look at me - I am apart from my mom and sis 6,000 miles :(
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