Monday, November 27
A while back I told y'all about a coffee samplin' I was asked to take part in. The fine folks at Folgers sent us out three pounds of their new gourmet blends, and the first one I reviewed was Morning Café (two thumbs up).

Last month we hosted a meeting in our home, and I thought, "Ah, ha! A captive audience for a coffee tasting..." so I made a pound cake and brewed a pot of Vanilla Biscotti. Well, it would've been a GREAT idea, except the meeting was for our kids' school, and one of the items on the agenda was a new "fundraiser", which guessed it...selling coffee. That translates into me NOT being the only one present brewing on a mission. "They" brought about FOUR flavors for us to try. I had NO idea this "meeting" was little more than a ruse for pimpin' selling coffee in some way, shape or form, but what can you do?

So, out of common courtesy, I tasted their stash. It was okay, but remember, I'm Dunkin Donuts loyal no matter what, so it's hard to impress me. PLUS, because this is a school fundraiser, I think the cost was $12/pound? Maybe ten? Eight?? I don't remember now, but it was more than Folgers gourmet, AND more than our shop-by-mail Dunkin Donuts AND I'd much rather give a donation where the school would receive the entire gift, not $2-4 per pound.

Anyway, the GREAT part, seeing how I was "selling" coffee, too, or at the minimum soliciting opinion for blog fodder, is even the coffee neophytes (there are actually non coffee drinkers??) preferred the Folger's Vanilla Biscotti! Cool, huh? Personally, I don't prefer flavored coffees (ahem, unless you consider Splenda, sugar AND half & half "flavoring"), but this was GOOD! You should try it!

And the best part, ladies and gentlemen: You can try it for FREE! The down side is the freebie isn't three pounds' worth, but the upside is you don't need to worry about writing a review. Go ahead, click the link! Let me know what you think when you receive and try yours.

  Into the pensieve on Monday, November 27, 2006
  Your thoughts, please (20)

At November 27, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you don't like flavoured coffee, I must have misread (about ten times) when you were ready to kill for a caramel macciato.... Hmmm.

At November 27, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

Snarky, son of a gun, aren't you? At least SPELL THE nectar of the gods correctly!!! Caramel MACCHIATO! And it's not a flavored coffee, it's a layered espresso drink--espresso, vanilla, caramel, foamed milk (in my case, half & half).

Geez, I'm sounding like YOU now :/ ;).

At November 27, 2006, Blogger Malissa said...

cool! Free coffee is my idea of a good time;)

At November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I get it. You don't add flavour to the coffee, you just put the caramel and vanilla in the same cup as the coffee. That makes sense.

I spell it like the Southern Italians (they are mostly illiterate in the south, oh shit! sorry, that's America)

Hey guess what!!! You are showing up in Bloglines!

At November 28, 2006, Blogger Lori said...

Hmmmm interesting!!

At November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds yummy! I like FLAVORS!!

By the way, your feed is working again - as well as all the other Blogger blogger feeds. Whoopee!

At November 28, 2006, Blogger Pamela said...

I couldn't comment last night. Blogger was a bugger.

I do not like flavored coffees. They taste bitter to me.
I like French Roast with Fat Free Half n half (Let's hear what WT has to say about THAT one) No sugar.
Just a nice creamy brown satsifying cup. Well, two. In the morning. Then no more the rest of the day.

(Ps. regarding WT's post Measles, Kneesles... just being silly about that guys knees. They were the first thing that drew my eyes. But you saw the 'fart ad' over at Ree's. And I had never noticed Ree's ads. Sometimes I'm observant and other times just an obliviot)

At November 28, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

Willowtree, Willowtree, Willowtree...'nuff said...!

Weird on the feeds cranking up again...I think someone's just having fun messing with people.

Pamela, I've never noticed ads before, either, maybe they're new? Ah...and once again, you've coined a new word. You really need to write a book of Pamelisms :).

At November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had Dunkin Donuts for the first time this past August when I attended my girlfriend's sister's wedding in Maine. Supposedly the chain existed out here in Southern California once upon a time but ceased to by the time I was introduced to donuts. Next time I find myself out East I'll have to seek out another DD for a coffee and a donut, or two, or three...

At November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad I stopped by to see that people are throwing things over here... GEEZLouise ! Just another reason to blog... I love it.

At November 28, 2006, Blogger LeftCoastOnlooker said...

Why don't you see if DD will do a coffee fundraiser?
You know, you could win their free coffee for a year contest, don't you?

If & when I chuck coffee into a cup o' cocoa, I don't care if it's flavored or plain. I've never cared for straight coffee, it has to be an addition to the cocoa. So, I guess I drink flavored cocoa.

At November 28, 2006, Blogger Susan in va said...

Oooh! Free coffee!! I've been waking up to 8 O'Clock Coffee for the past 15 years - but I'm always willing to try something new...especially if it's FREE!!

And, yes Robin....I'm feelin' the love ;)

At November 28, 2006, Blogger Kila said...

Thanks for the link. I'm not a coffee drinker (maybe I'd try it if it had enough caramel AND chocolate, LOL), but my parents drink coffee daily and they'll enjoy it. Free Christmas present!

At November 28, 2006, Blogger Nancy said...

You are so kind to share free things with your blogger friends. That is a blessing indeed!

At November 28, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Robin, tell the lovely people at Folgers to please ship to Canada!

Vanilla Biscotti sounds heavenly.

At November 28, 2006, Blogger Pamela said...

bloglines says you have a post out here (the truth hurts) but I get an empty space when I click.

(or is that empty space just something I create when I'm in one of these moods)

At November 28, 2006, Blogger Sally said...

I can't drink coffee, it gives me gas. (and worse)

I sure talk about gas a lot. Sorry about that.

At November 29, 2006, Blogger Robin said...

James, if you're a doughnut kinda guy, DD will be like Lay's potato can't eat just one ;). Funny thing about their website, though--in spite of their name, I couldn't find a picture of a doughnut anywhere.

Swampy, with warmth & affection ;). Doughnuts don't hurt!

LCO, don't tell WT, he'll analyze it! You must've been visiting their website (yep, of course I know @ the contest :) ).

Susan, loverly to see you taking a break from that shed-uel of yours...if you've been drinkin' the same thing for 15 years, I'm proud of you for having an open mind.

Kila, Glad I could help with your gift giving AND responsible stewardship :D. This is why I cannot drink coffee w/dessert, I flood it with sugar & cream--it IS dessert!

Nancy, there's gotta be a gazillion free links like that, it PAYS to blog! (the blessing is definitely in my cyberfriends:) ).

Marnie, I wanna try your simple pleasure stash! Did you TRY to get the Folgers peeps to ship to Canada? I'll see what I can do for ya since I carry so much weight (lol).

Pamela, that was related to me fooling around w/trying to import my old posts to other sites, and changing my template (ai yi yi, pain in the neck!).

Sally, perish the thought! I.don'! Comments like yours put a smile on my face...a BIG one :D.

At November 30, 2006, Blogger Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Perish the thought, but I only drink flavored coffees! Either the regular black stuff I brew daily for the hubby (with my healthy dose of splenda and coffemate flavored creamer), or some of the flavored ones. I ordered a free sample of the Folgers vanilla biscotti and really liked it. I saw a bag of Folger's "Caramel Drizzle" on a clearance aisle at Target and bought it yesterday. Haven't tried that one yet. But usually caramel is a great flavor for me :)

At December 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a junkie when it comes to flavored coffee and I ADD flavored coffee creamer too - I love the double flavor. I might just write to Folgers to get their Gourmet Coffee :).


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